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Recycled Christmas

Christmas photo & styling: Heidi Hallingstad

Don’t worry, I haven’t started decorating for Christmas just yet… But while I doing some planning I got to think about a Christmas styling I did back in January. And as the pictures were taken after Christmas last year it was not that obvious to show them on the blog 😉 Until now, that is!

I did the styling for We:re that makes products of recycled material. Among their genius products are the beautiful Christmas stars made of truck tarpaulin, and I got the pleasure of making some pictures of them. They come in both black and white and are all handmade with their own personal expression.

Christmas photo & styling: Heidi Hallingstad

I love the fact that the stars are made of recycled material. It’s creative and not at least environmental friendly. A thing that we should focus more on in the months to come when we go crazy buying new “must-have” Christmas decorations. A lot of the Christmas decoration objects we surround us with have definitely not been produced with the environment in mind, I’m afraid.

I don’t want to “preach” and my own Christmas decorations are not all that environmental friendly, either. But shouldn’t we all think twice and be a bit kinder to the environment during the Christmas months, too? There are plenty of ways to do it – not only by thinking of materials, but also by thinking of the quality of the Christmas decorations we buy. If we invest in timeless design and good quality, we can enjoy our Christmas ornaments and decorations for many, many years to come. And why not use all the decoration material the nature itself has to offer – that’s actually the most beautiful decoration there is 🙂

This turned out to as a whole other blog post than I thought, actually – originally I only wanted to show you these lovely stars… Anyway; hope you enjoyed me thinking out loud there for a bit 😉

Have a lovely new week!


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